中西 大樹
Surface Texture Heightmap Generation with StyleGAN2-ADA and Tactile Sensation Optimization Using CNN
Prosthetic leg walking training system using a movable floor reproduced in VR space
中川 康太
Development of an Exercise Support Application with Dynamic Posture Guidance Using Monocular Camera Pose Estimation
竹田 悠真
Development of boot-type disturbance-adding equipment using pneumatic gel muscles (PGM) for fall prevention training
磯島 啓吾
Effect of Motion Seat Information Presentation on Tilt Perception in Hydraulic Excavators for Teleoperated Excavators
上田 達也
Development of an artificial muscle assist device to reduce the mental load on people
岩本 英憲
Estimation of Peripheral Arterial Stiffness Based on a Biodegradable Piezoelectric Sensor and Its Application to Head-up Tilt Testing
篠原 大晟
Machine Learning-Based Discrimination of Eating Disorder with Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Stroke Patients by Using Sites of Brain Injury and Functional Independence Measure Scores
幡 祐輔
Discriminative Analysis of Autistic Tendencies Using Neonatal Motor Characteristics and Eye Gaze Characteristics at 10 Months of Age
上田 怜奈
Risk Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Neonates Using Pose Estimation and Non-Negative Tensor Factorization
米井 陸也
Virtual Hand Control System Using Biodegradable Piezoelectric Film Sensors
井上 侑香
Epileptic Seizure Detection from EEG via Band-Specific Probability Integration of Hidden Markov Multimodal Scale Mixture Models
李 昊南
Simultaneous Measurement of Movement and Respiration in Two Zebrafish Individuals Based on Bioelectric Signals
藤田 真稔
Estimation of FIM values using machine learning based on movement measurements
松浦 詩乃
Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Control using Dynamic Setpoints Based on Speed of Muscle Force
松瀬 亮汰
Scale Mixture-based Classification Layer for Deep Neural Networks and Application to Bio-signal Classification
福田 隼也
A Machine Learning-based Screening Method for Driving Aptitude in Post-stroke Individuals Using Cognitive-motor Function Tests and Brain Lesion Location
干場 滉太
Measurement and Evaluation of Baroreflex Function in Stroke Patients Using Peripheral Arterial Stiffness
齋藤 環希
Analysis of Human Brain Networks in Maneuvering Steering Wheel : An fMRI Study
木村 友哉
Non-invasive measurement of peripheral sympathetic nerve activity and its relationship to peripheral arterial stiffness
小濵 遼平
Cardiac and Upper Limb Autonomic Responses to γ-Undecalactone Odor are Significantly Related to Pleasantness and High Arousal Evaluations
金子 健太郎
Development of a zebrafish ventilatory signal measurement system
丸子 紗季
A Proposal of Height Map Image Generation Method with Desired Tactile Feeling Based on Image Features
金本 拓馬
Consideration of the Influence of Machine Switching on Loading Operation in Remote Operation of Hydraulic Excavators and Design of a Method to Reduce the Influence
増永 准也
Consideration of the Effect of Vibration Presentation on the Perception of Assist Force during Isometric Wrist Extension Motion
玉井 太一
Influence on kinesthetic illusion by simultaneous visual and force feedback for finger movement rehabilitation
池田 開
Spatio-temporal Graphormer for Pose-based Assessment of Infant General Movements
橋本 悠己
A Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Capable of Reproducing Human Tremor and Evaluation of Its Biomimetic Properties
熊谷 遼
Evaluation of Cognitive Motor Function in Stroke Patients by iPad Version of Trail Making Test
兼折 美帆
Three-Dimensional Measurement of Subjective Vertical and Body Sway for Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Trunk Function in Stroke Patients
岡田 航介
Machine Learning-based Identification of Mood Disorders Based on Cognitive and Motor Function Tests and Brain Injury Sites in Stroke Patients
楠 崚斗
Effects of Sound Feedback Associated with Accelerator Pedal Operation on Human Brain Activity
黒田 悠太
Analysis of the Relationship between Brain Activity, Autonomic Nervous Activity, and Subjective Evaluation of Heptanal Odor
陳 崧志
Horizontal and Vertical Dynamic Visual Acuities: A Multidirectional Measurement System and Training Effects
立原 蒼生
Transient Response Analysis of Peripheral Arterial Stiffness to Electrical and Cold Noxious Stimuli
穴井 怜志
An Evaluation Method of Tactile Feeling by Using the Subband Height Map Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform
今岡 恭司
Superimposition of the Predicted Attachment Positions Based on a Dynamic Model of Hydraulic Excavator Represented by a Second-Order Delay System
大川 夢月
Development of Stair Climbing Training System Using Visual Virtual Reality Display
奥村 拓海
Autonomic Response Analysis of Peripheral Arterial Stiffness during Transcutaneous Auricular Vagus Nerve Stimulation
坂川 俊樹
A Wearable Finger-Tapping Motion Recognition System Using Biodegradable Piezoelectric Film Sensors
城明 舜磨
Proposal of Skew Scale Mixture Model of EEG Signals and Its Application to Non-Gaussianity Analysis of Sleep EEG
畑元 雅璃
Pharmacological Effects of Caffeine on the Ventilation in Adult Zebrafish Under Free-swimming Conditions
原田 祐希
Biomimetic Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Capable of Voluntary Opening and Closing of Five Fingers
李 佳琪
Unconstrained Body-movement Assessment of Infants Using a Sheet Type Acoustic Sensor
脇村 友紀
Relationships between Human Brain Activity and Peripheral Arterial Stiffness during Driving Operations: an fMRI Study
秋吉 駿
Longitudinal Assessment of Spontaneous Movements in Four-month-old Infants to Evaluate the Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder via Markerless Video Analysis
飯島 直也
Automatic Epileptic Seizure Detection Using Non-Gaussian Stochastic EEG Model and Recurrent Neural Network
大西 亮太
Effect of Surface Textures on Fingertip Force Perception and Output
岸下 健太
Pen-point Trajectory Analysis During Trail Making Test Based on Reaching Trajectory Generation Model
阪井 浩人
Swimming Motion Estimation of Zebrafish from Ventilatory Signals Using an Advection-Diffusion Model
関本 稜介
Relationships between Motor and Cognitive Functions and Driving Aptitude in Stroke Patients Revealed by Machine Learning Analysis
田淵 元太
Development of the Balance Ability Evaluation Suit Using Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
濱田 雅人
Relationship Analysis among Brain Activity, Peripheral Arterial Stiffness and Sensory Evaluation in Response to Odor Stimuli
松下 虎弥太
Safe Walking Route Recommender Based on the Fall Risk Calculation by Using a Digital Human Model and Point Cloud Data
南方 麻友子
Gesture Recognition Considering Motion Variation Using Signal Dependent Noise
石橋 侑也
Squat Training System to Change Load Based on Locomotive Risk Level Prediction
迫田 航
Artificial Tremor Generation Based on Variance Distribution Model of EMG Signals: Method and Application to 3D-printed Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand
島田 恭平
Biomimetic Control of Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand with Five Independently Driven Fingers Based on a Lambda-type Muscle Model
曾 楊洋
Standing Stability Analysis Using Gaze Tracking Task in Autism Spectrum Disorder
南木 望
Assessment of Lower-Extremity Vascular Function Based on an Oscillometric Method and Arterial Viscoelastic Model
浜﨑 健太
A Study of the Relationship Between Tactile Feeling and Surface Texture in Free Touch Movement
深田 雅裕
A Study on Effect of Delay in Swinging Operation of a Hydraulic Excavator
松村 一志
Power Spectral Analysis of Peripheral Arterial Stiffness Towards Non-invasive Evaluation of Muscle Sympathetic Nerve Activity
棟安 俊文
Co-contraction Analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans Using Calcium Imaging and Body Dynamics Model
山下 浩生
Machine Learning-based Analysis of Mood Disorders and Cognitive/Motor Functions in Stroke Patients
吉村 和真
Prediction of Human Perception of Odor Quality Based on Glomerular Activity of Rodent
市原 和也
U-shaped and Inverted U-shaped Developmental Changes: Longitudinal Evaluation of Infants’ Spontaneous Movements Using Markerless Video Analysis
木下 直樹
A Spatiotemporal Parameterization Method for Human Reaching Movements Based on Time Base Generator
橘髙 允伸
Proposal of Tactile Mel Scale and Its Applicatoin to the Evaluation System of Haptic Sensation
静野 大樹
Quantitative Assessment of Pain and Anticipatory Anxiety During Electrocutaneous Stimulation Using an Arterial Stiffness Index and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
隅山 慎
An Operation Skill Evaluation System of a Hydraulic Excavator Using a Remote Controlled Excavator and Augmented Reality
関塚 良太
Pressure Control of Work Support Suits Equipped with Pneumatic Rubber Artificial Muscles Taking Burden Feeling into Account
常安 孝輔
Estimation of Sympathetic Nerve Activity in Humans from Peripheral Arterial stiffness
戸塚 正明
Biomimetic Control of Myoelectric Prosthetic Hand Based on a Lambda-type Muscle Model
中垣 光裕
Unconstrained Vital Sign Monitoring System Using an Aortic Pulse Wave Sensor
萩山 直紀
Jellyfish Sign Evaluation Support System Based on Ultrasound Imaging Analysis of Human Carotid Plaques
水口 翔太
Measurement and Visualization of Ground Interaction Information during City Walking
飯倉 隆寛
Estimation of Systolic Blood Pressure Using an Inflationary Noninvasive Blood Pressure Monitor with No Arterial Occlusion
稲葉 知彦
Parameter Optimization Method for a Random Walk Graph Kernel based on Renyi’s Quadratic Mutual Information
上本 竜郎
An Evaluation Support System for Infant Motor Development Based on Walking Analysis
川嶋 克明
Estimation of Arterial Stiffness Using Oscillometric Method around Mean Blood Pressure and Its Application to Vascular Endothelial Function Evaluation
田中 敬士
Variance Distribution Analysis of Surface EMG Signals Based on a Scale Mixture Model
古居 彬
Measure the Psychological State of Zebrafish through Integrated Analysis of Motion and Respiration
松野 一輝
Tremor Prediction by the Calculation of Endpoint Muscle Activation Compliance
村田 拓也
A 3D-printed Electromyographic Prosthetic Hand with Five Independently Driven Fingers and the Implementation of Biomimetic Control
江藤 慎太郎
Forward and backward locomotion patterns in C. elegans can be generated by connectome-based model simulations
坂本 一馬
Study on the Efficacy of Omnidirectional Images for a Laparoscopic Surgery
笠原 拓也
Computational Prediction of Subjective Sense of Force in a Steering Wheel Operation based on Muscle Activity Estimation
岸下 優介
Influence of the Contact Area Deformation at a Fingertip on Tactile Texture Evaluation
荒川 剛
Quantitative Assessment of Pain During Electrocutaneous Stimulation by Using an Arterial Stiffness Index and Functional Magnetic Resonance
有國 文也
A Novel Prediction Method of Sudden Onset of Diseases Using a Probabilistic Neural Network
延川 智範
Unconstrained Monitoring of Biological Signals Using an Aortic Pulse Wave Sensor
三戸 景永
A Jellyfish Sign Deteciton System Based on Ultrasound Imaging Analysis of Human Carotid Plaques
尾倉 侑也
A Mathematical Model of the Olfactory Bulb for Selective Attention Mechanism in the Rodent Olfactory System
西川 愼也
Quantitative Assessment of Pain During Electrocutaneous Stimulation Using a Log-Linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Model
松原 裕樹
An Enclosed-zone Arterial Stiffness Variation Index Based on Oscillometric Method and its Application to Vascular Endothelial Function Evaluation Using a Probabilistic Neural Network
松本 遼
Video Classification for General Movements of an Infant Using a Probabilistic Neural Network with CHLAC Features
中島 翔太
Human Emotion Evaluation during Myoelectric Prostheses Training Based on Biosignal Analysis
渡橋 史典
Development of the Haptic Force Display by Electrical Muscle Stimulation
石川 敬明
Haptic Enhanced Reality Method for Laparoscopic Surgery
大鶴 佳秀
A Signal-dependent Noise Model for Surface EMG Signals
今儀 潤一
Fingertip Force Estimation Based on the Deformation of the Fingertip
氣比田 晃士
Endpoint Compliance Based on Estimation of Muscle Activity by a Musculoskeletal Model
櫻田 浩平
Development of a Wearable Sensorimotor-Enhancing Suit
佐藤 純平
A Novel Monitoring System for Autonomic Nervous Activity Using an Aortic Pulse Wave Sensor
松岡 玄樹
A Support System for Evaluating Intervention Effects Based on Behavior Analysis
右田 涼
An Interactive Training System for Brain-Machine Interface
伊藤 達也
A Diagnostic Support System for Evaluating Autonomic Nervous Function of Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Using the Head-up Tilt Test
伊藤 雅史
Force Display of a Palpation Motion by Using the Haptic Enhanced Reality Method
清岡 雅弘
Surgical Grasping Forceps with Sensorimotor Enhancement Capability
末田 大和
Assessment of Lower-limb Vascular Endothelial Function Based on enclosed zone Flow-mediated Dilation
高間 蓮成
A Training System for MYOBOCK Hand in a Virtual Reality Environment
中村 豪
A Novel Recurrent Neural Network with Dimensionality Reduction Based on Time-series Discriminant Component Analysis
早志 英朗
Development of a Palpable Continuous Sphygmomanometer Using Electromagnetic Induction
福地 智宏
A Cameraless Behavioral Analysis System for a Small Fish Based on Ventilatory Bioelectric Signals
宮本 健太郎
Haptic rendering by augmentating virtual force on the force response of a base object
大塚 絋之
A Markerless Infant Motion Analysis System for Evaluation of General Movements
菊池 亮太
Estimation of Arterial Viscoelastic Properties during the Flow-Mediated Dilation Test
木原 大輔
Virtual Light Touch Contact Using Non-contact Impedance for Mitigation of Body Sway
杉江 研勇
A Study on Biomechanical and Psychophysical Analyses of Operating Loads during Automobile Driving
成末 充宏
A Log-linearized Peripheral Arterial Viscoelastic Indices for Evaluating Autonomic Nerve Activity
平野 博大
An Estimation Method for Environmental Friction Based on Body Dynamic Model of Caenorhabditis elegans
正岡 和弥
CPG Synergy Hypothesis: A CPG Synergy Model for Generating Nonstationary Rhythmic Signals and Representation of Finger Tapping Movements
丸元 崇弘
Movement Analysis of Larval Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Using Body Dynamics Model
向谷 直久
Motor Function Evaluation and Classification in Finger Tapping Movements for Parkinson’s Disease Using Factor Analysis
山口 裕希
Analysis of Viscosity Perception Property in Circle Tracing Task with Bimanual Arm Movements
井上 晴仁
Cybernetic Rehabilitation Aid: A Rehabilitation System for Joint Movements Using EMG Signals and Tactile Stimulation
植野 岳
Noninvasive Evaluation of Endothelial Function Based on Dilation Rate of Integrated Air-cuff Plethysmogram
久保 諒祐
Unconstrained and Noninvasive Measurement of Swimming Behavior of Small Fish Based on Ventilatory Signals for a Bioassay System
来山 茂央
Development of Vital Sign Monitoring System with Air-pack Sensor
小松 雄亮
A Comparison Between Human Sense of Smell and the Neural Activity of the Olfactory Bulb in Rats
齋藤 牧紀
Steering Control System Based on Human Arm Impedance Properties for Emergency Avoidance Assistance
中原 裕貴
A Novel Recurrent Probability Neural Network for Dual-arm Motion Discrimination and Its Application to Human-Machine Interfaces
平松 侑樹
Omnidirectional Log-Linearized Arterial Viscoelastic Index and Its Application to Intravascular Ultrasound Examination
堀内 徹也
A Skill Training System for EMG-based Prosthetic Hand Using VR Technology
村上 隆治
Virtual C.elegans: A Dynamic Neuro-Body Model for Chemotaxis simulation
山田 泰隆
A Design Method of Pedal Reaction Force Considering Human Force Sensation and Sole Deformation
大中 潤
A Neural Net-based Biomusic System Using Mechanomyograms and Motion Acceleration Signals
川本 敬之
Operation Assistance for Layer-Based Selections Using Bayesian Network with Gaussian Mixture Structure
草野 洋一
A Rehabilitation-Aid System for Arm Movement Disorders Using Human Trajectory Generation Model in Virtual Curling Task
実政 亨
A Motor Function Evaluation System for Finger Tapping Movements Using Magnetic Sensors and Video Camera
高木 寛
A CPG Synergy Model for Evaluation of Human Finger Tapping Movements
田村 康裕
A mechanical impedance based human-seat model for development of a driving seat to reduce neck injury from rear-end impacts
福島 俊介
Noninvasive Monitoring of Arterial Viscoelstic Indices Using a Foil-type Pressure Sensor
丸山 大海
A Motor-Control Training Method for Smoothness and Timing of Voluntary Arm Movements in Virtual Tennis Task
石井 政隆
Active Steering Control of Driver-Vehicle System Based on Human Arm Impedance Properties
加芝 祐介
The Cybernetic Rehabilitation Aid : A Novel Rehabilitation System Using EMG Signals and Tactile Feedback
片岡 仁之
Change of Arterial Wall Viscoelasticity by Stimuli with Sense of Pain
河野 曜暢
A Novel Channel Selection Method Based on a Partial KL Information Measure for Biological Signal Classification
芝軒 太郎
A Bioassay System Using Bioelectric Signals from Small Fish
寺脇 充
A Novel Tuning Method for Neural Oscillators with a Ladder-like Structure based on Oscillation Analysis
服部 佑哉
Analysis of Biological Effect of Electromagnetic Field Produced by Total Artificial Heart System Using Transcutaneous Energy Transmission
檜垣 直哉
A Study on an Insulator Thickness of a Wireless Energy Transmission Transformer for an Artificial Heart
平野 陽豊
Computational Analysis of Driver’s Load and Manipulability for Vehicle Behaviors Using Human Joint-Motor Properties
楽松 武
Hardware Implementation of a Log-Linearized Gaussian Mixture Network with Terminal Learning
石井 亨治
Measurement and Evaluation System for Infant Movements Base on Real-time Video Analysis
大澤 裕子
A Sound Pitch Control System Manipulated by EMG Signals
武田 泰治
Control of an Electric Wheelchair Using Non-Contact ENG Signals
谷口 早矢佳
A Study on Modeling and Evaluation of Driving Seat against Neck Injury Using Mechanical Impedance
野本 雄平
Estimation of Arterial Viscoelastic Indices Using Ultrasound B-mode Images and Non-Invasive Blood Pressure
松本 剛
Analysis of Human Body Electric Field Distribution Using the Transmitting Antenna in an Implantable Device
村国 英二
Five-Finger EMG-Prosthetic Hand with Grasp-Force Magnification Mechanism
山田 裕介
A Study on Bio-mimetic Impedance Control for Automobile Steer-by-Wire Systems
脇田 裕之
LMI-Based Neurocontroller for Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain System
梅田 剛義
End-Point Acceleration Characteristics in Fast Motion of Human Upper Arm
太田 浩司
Analysis of Human Sensory-Motor Characteristics during Pedal Operations by a Lower Extremity
兼行 秀和
A Motor Function Evaluation System for Finger Tapping Movements Using Magnetic Sensors
閑 絵里子
An Interactive Training System for EMG-Manipulated Prosthetic Arms
重藤 元暢
A Neural Network Model of the Olfactory System of Mice: Simulation of Attention Behavior
曽 智
A Time Series EEG Discrimination Method Using a Reduced-Dimensional Probabilistic Neural Network
高田 大輔
Kicking Force Estimation for a Soccer Ball Using a High-Speed Camera
廣田 和浩
Rate Dependency of Force-Related Activations in Compensatory Tracking Movements: An fMRI Study
藤村 直樹
Evaluation of Reactive Hyperemia Using Arterial Viscoelastic Indices
三成 貴浩
Design of an Energy Transmission Transformer for a Wireless Capsule Endoscope
森政 瑛
An MMG-based Control Method of Prosthetic Manipulators Using Acceleration Sensors
市座(吉久) 智之
A Wheelchair-type Robot Agent System Manipulated by Biological Signals
江口 良太
An Automobile Steering Control System Based on Human Arm Impedance Properties
神田 龍馬
FPGA Implementation of a Probabilistic Neural Network using Delta-Sigma Modulation for Pattern Discrimination of Bioelectric Signals
島 圭介
A Novel Acceleration Interface That Can Utilize Gestures and Muscle Force
白石 大樹
A Music Interface Manipulated by EMG Signals
杉山 利明
A Direct Drive Type Ventricular Assist Device System Using an Ultrasonic Motor
高畑 雅史
Evaluation of Endothelial Function Using a Strain-gauge Plethysmogram
寺尾 譲
Investigation on Thermal Effect and Stimulant Action in an Energy Transmission System for a Wireless Capsule Endoscope
長門 智大
Evaluation of Biological Effects of an Air-core Transcutaneous Transformer for an Artificial Heart
糠谷 優之
A Human-Seat Model Based on Mechanical Impedance for the Design of the Safety Seat against Neck Injury
林 弘一
A New Ergonomic Evaluation Method of Automotive Interiors Based on Human Visual and Kinematic Properties
堀上 正義
Directional Properties of Human Hand Force Perception during Maintained Arm Posture
松下 和寛
A Novel Hierarchical Probabilistic Neural Network with Tree Structure and Boosting Functions
村上 樹里
A Pattern Discrimination of Combined Motions Based on a Muscle Synergy
村上 洋介
Operation Assistance of Electric Home Appliances Using Hierarchical Bayesian Network
黎 原
Analysis of Mechanical Impedance Properties of Human Lower Extremities
大西 輝幸
An EMG-Controlled Pointing Method with Human Wrist Joint Viscosity
荻野 裕貴
Task Assistance for EMG-Controlled Manipulators using a Bayesian Network
斎藤 佑司
LMI-Based Neurocontroller for Robust Control of Uncertain Systems
坂口 誠史郎
A Diagnostic Support System for Patients with Parkinson’s Disease Using Finger Tapping Movements
船曳 晶彦
Manipulability Analysis of Kicking Motion in Soccer
山下 裕之
Manipulability Evaluation of Automotive Interiors Based on Human Visual Property
吉岡 潤
A Study on Motion dependence of Human Impedance Perception Ability
阿部 達也
A Substitute Vocalization System Based on Frequency Information of EMG Signals
有田 潤
Guaranteed Cost Control for Discrete-time Uncertain Systems Using Additive Gain
石井 靖久
Manipulability Analysis of Human Arm Movements Correlated with Operational Feeling during Manipulation of A Virtual Driving System
佐々木 雅善
A Novel Three-Dimensional Pointing Device Using Acceleration Signals
下森 智
Analog-Circuit-Component Optimization with Genetic Algorithm
竹村 和浩
Non-invasive Monitoring of Arterial Wall Impedance Using Indirect Blood Pressure
坪田 広明
FPGA Implementation of a Recurrent Probabilistic Neural Network and Its Application to a Bioelectric Human Interface
濱本 泰治
A Model of Chemotactic Response of Paramecium Based on Electrophysiology
平野 旭
Unsupervised Learning for Hierarchical Clustering using Statistical Information
岡本 勝
A Hierarchical Placement Method for Standard Cell Layout Based on Wire Length Driven Clustering
窪田 創
A Motor Control Model of C.elegans
後藤 武志
Analysis of Mechanical Properties in Human Multi-Joint Arm Movements
高野 大作
A Dual-arm Manipulator System using EMG Signals
辻村 好司
Estimation of Arterial Wall Impedance using Plethysmogram
坂根 彰
Measurement of Biological Signals in fMRI
野田 聡
A Generic Framework to Solve the Steiner Tree Problem inVLSI Layout Design Using a Genetic Algorithm
秦 純一
Pattern Discrimination of Phonetic Sounds From EMG Signals for a Substitute Vocalization
藤田 真治
A Computer System for High-Speed Execution of Genetic Programming
藤原 一成
Solving the Maximum Clique Problem Using FPGAs with Instance-Specific Information
藤原 知幸
A Method for Integrating Behavioral Synthesis and Floorplanning in High-Performance VLSI Design
山﨑 晋哉