
第717回 【研究紹介】心肺バイパス中に発生するマイクロバブルの数は,吸引血流量,静脈リザーバーレベル,灌流血流量,ヘマトクリットレベル,血液温度から機械学習的に推定可能


広島大学生体システム論研究室では約10年前から人工心肺に関する研究を開始し,博士課程修了生の岡原 重幸先生(純真学園大学保健医療学部教授),高橋 秀暢先生(広島国際大学保健医療学部講師),宮本 聡史さん(広島大学病院診療支援部臨床工学部門部門長),吉野 将さん(広島大学病院診療支援部臨床工学部門)らとともに,血液粘度推定,人工心肺装置の自動制御,血中マイクロバブル発生数の推定などの研究課題に取り組んできました.

今回新たに,曽 智先生,古居 彬先生とともに人工心肺中のマイクロバブル発生数の機械学習による推定に成功し,IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biologyに論文がアクセプトされました.

この論文は宮本 聡史さんの博士学位論文の一部になる予定です.今後も本研究チームとともに研究を継続し,臨床での研究成果につなげていければと思っています.ひきつづきよろしくお願いします.

The number of microbubbles generated during cardiopulmonary bypass can be estimated using machine learning from suction flow rate, venous reservoir level, perfusion flow rate, hematocrit level, and blood temperature
Satoshi Miyamoto, Zu Soh, Shigeyuki Okahara, Akira Furui, Taiichi Takasaki, Keijiro Katayama, Shinya Takahashi, and Toshio Tsuji
IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, DOI: 10.1109/OJEMB.2024.3350922. (ESCI, IF=5.8)
URL: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10382573
PDF: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=10382573

Goal: Microbubbles (MBs) are known to occur within the circuits of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) systems, and higher-order dysfunction after cardiac surgery may be caused by MBs as well as atheroma dispersal associated with cannula insertion. As complete MB elimination is not possible, monitoring MB count rates is critical. We propose an online detection system with a neural network-based model to estimate MB count rate using five parameters: suction flow rate, venous reservoir level, perfusion flow rate, hematocrit level, and blood temperature. Methods: Perfusion experiments were performed using an actual CPB circuit, and MB count rates were measured using the five varying parameters. Results: Bland–Altman analysis indicated a high estimation accuracy (R2>0.95, p<0.001) with no significant systematic error. In clinical practice, although the inclusion of clinical procedures slightly decreased the estimation accuracy, a high coefficient of determination for 30 clinical cases (R2=0.8576) was achieved between measured and estimated MB count rates. Conclusions: Our results highlight the potential of this system to improve patient outcomes and reduce MB-associated complication risk.
