
International journal papers

Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorder at 18 Months of Age is Associated with Prenatal Level of Polychlorinated Biphenyls Exposure in a Japanese Birth Cohort

Hirokazu Doi, Akira Furui, Rena Ueda, Koji Shimatani, Midori Yamamoto, Akifumi Eguchi, Naoya Sagara, Kenichi Sakurai, Chisato Mori, and Toshio Tsuji
Scientific Reports, volume 14, Article number: 31872, s41598-024-82908-4, Published: 30 December 2024. (SCI, IF=3.8)

Epileptic seizure detection using a recurrent neural network with temporal features derived from a scale mixture EEG model

Akira Furui, Ryota Onishi, Tomoyuki Akiyama, and Toshio Tsuji
IEEE Access, Volume: 12, pp.162814-162824, Digital Object Identifier:10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3487637, Date of Publication: 29 October 2024 (SCI, IF=3.4)

Cognitive screening test for rehabilitation using spatiotemporal data extracted from a digital trail making test part-A

Kouki Kubo, Seiji Hama, Akira Furui, Tomohiko Mizuguchi, Akiko Yanagawa, Akihiko Kandori, Hiroto Sakai, Yutaro Morisako, Yuki Orino, Maho Hamai, Kasumi Fujita, Shigeto Yamawaki, and Toshio Tsuji
Heliyon, Volume 10, Issue 13, e33135, pp.1-13,, 14 June 2024. (SCI, IF=3.4)

Domestic journal papers

Analysis of mobile jellyfish plaque in the association with pulsatile blood flow (in Japanese)

Shinji KUME, Toshinori MATSUSHIGE, Seiji HAMA, Shigeyuki SAKAMOTO, Takahito OKAZAKI, Masanori YOSHIOKA, Reo KAWANO, Kousuke KAWANO, Akira FURUI, Toshio TSUJI
Neurosonology, Vol. 33,No. 3, pp.74-79, December 2020.

Analysis of movement of carotid artery using template matching: the second report (in Japanese)

Shinji Kume, Toshinori Matsushige, Seiji Hama, Shigeyuki Sakamoto, Takahito Okazaki, Ohshita Junpei, Ishii Daizo, Mizuguchi Shota, Zu Soh, Toshio Tsuji, and Kaoru Kurisu
Neurosonology, vol.32, no. 1, pp.4-9, April 2019.

Analysis of Movement of Carotid Artery Using Template Matching (in Japanese)

Shinji Kume, Toshinori Matsushige, Seiji Hama, Shigeyuki Sakamoto, Takahito Okazaki, Ohshita Junpei, Ishii Daizo, Mizuguchi Shota, Zu Soh, Toshio Tsuji, and Kaoru Kurisu
Neurosonology, vol.30, no. 3, pp.139-143, December 2017.

An Interactive Training System for Myoelectric Prostheses Using Virtual Hand (in Japanese)

Taro Shibanoki, Go Nakamura, Fuminori Orihashi, Hideaki Hayashi, Yuichi Kurita, Takeshi Takaki Yuichiro Honda, Futoshi Mizobe, Takaaki Chin, and Toshio Tsuji
Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp. 404-410, 2016.

International conferences

Neural Network-Based Estimation of Cough Peak Flow via Cough Sounds Using Smartphone

Yasutaka Umayahara, Zu Soh, Akira Furui, Kiyokazu Sekikawa, Tsuyoshi Imura, Akira Otsuka and Toshio Tsuji
World Physiotherapy Congress 2025, Tokyo, Japan, 29-31May, 2025. (accepted)

Discriminative Analysis of Autistic Tendencies at 18 Months of Age Using Eye Gaze Characteristics in 4-, 10-, and 18-month-old Infants

Rena Ueda, Hirokazu Doi, Akira Furui, Koji Shimatani, Hideaki Hayashi, and Toshio Tsuji
2025 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2025), pp.265-270, Munich, January 21-24, 2025.

Non-Negative Tensor Factorization of Infant Spontaneous Movements: A Pilot Study for ASD Risk Evaluation of Newborn Infants

Rikuya Yonei, Akira Furui, Hirokazu Doi, Koji Shimatani, Hideaki Hayashi, Midori Yamamoto, Kenichi Sakurai, Chisato Mori, and Toshio Tsuji
2025 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII2025), pp.275-280, Munich, January 21-24, 2025.

Stochastic Fluctuation in EEG Evaluated via Scale Mixture Model for Decoding Emotional Valence

Shunya Fukuda, Akira Furui, Maro Machizawa, Toshio Tsuji
2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2024), pp.567-572, doi:10.1109/SII58957.2024.10417430, Ha Long, Vietnam, 8-11th January, 2024.

Book chapters

Automated Classification of General Movements in Infants Using Two-stream Spatiotemporal Fusion Network

Yuki Hashimoto*, Akira Furui*, Koji Shimatani, Maura Casadio, Paolo Moretti, Pietro Morasso, and Toshio Tsuji
In: Wang, L., Dou, Q., Fletcher, P.T., Speidel, S., Li, S. (eds) Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention: MICCAI 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13432, pp.753-762, Springer, Cham. , 16 September 2022 (*Equal contribution)


Discrimination of Dual-arm Motions Using a Joint Posterior Probability Neural Network for Human-robot Interfaces

Taro Shibanoki and Toshio Tsuji
Handbook of Research on Biomimetics and Biomedical Robotics (Maki K. Habib, Ed.), Chapter 15, pp.347-374, IGI Global, USA, December, 2017.
ISBN13: 9781522529934|ISBN10: 1522529934|EISBN13: 9781522529941|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2993-4
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EMG-Controlled Human-Robot Interfaces: A Hybrid Motion and Task Modeling Approach

Nan Bu, Toshio Tsuji, and Osamu Fukuda
Human Modelling for Bio-Inspired Robotics, Mechanical Engineering in Assistive Technologies (Edited by Jun Ueda and Yuichi Kurita), pp. 75-109, Academic Press, 2017.


Fingertip Force Estimation Based on the Deformation of the Fingertip

Akihito Kibita, Toshio Tsuji, and Yuichi Kurita
Haptic Interaction: Perception, Devices and Applications (Edited by Hiroyuki Kajimoto, Hideyuki Ando, and Ki-Uk Kyung), pp. 201-205, 10.1007/978-4-431-55690-9_39, Springer Japan, 2015.

Doctoral dissertations

Research on an Interface that Reduces the Effect of Switching in Teleoperated Hydraulic Excavators Focusing on Human Cognitive Processes

Masaki Nagai

A Study on a Model for Estimating the Number of Microbubbles Delivered from a Venous Reservoir in Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Satoshi Miyamoto

Force Feedback-Based Gamification: Squat Exergame Using Soft Actuators-Based Lower Limb Suit and Difficulty Adjustment Algorithms

Priyanka Ramasamy

A Study on Automatic Control Methods in the Operation of the Cardiopulmonary Bypass System

Hidenobu Takahashi