Yuichi Kurita, Biological Systems Engineering Lab.

Lists of the past students' thesis is here.
Human modeling and augmentation
In order to enjoy our daily lives as we age, it is important to retain the sensation of moving our own bodies as we wish and of feeling various things for ourselves. Tools and information technology have the potential to overcome the barriers and limitations of our physical abilities and bring us unknown experiences. To realize this, we are developing human-augmentation devices that extend and improve the functions and capabilities of human movement and sensation.
- Swagata Das and Yuichi Kurita, ForceArm: A wearable pneumatic gel muscle (PGM) based assistive suit for the upper limb, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, Vol.2, Issue 2, pp. 269-281, May 2020
- Yusuke Kishishita, Yoshihiro Tanaka, Yuichi Kurita, Force perceptual bias caused by muscle activity in unimanual steering, PLOS ONE, 14(10): e0223930, October 2019
- Masataka Yamamoto, Yusuke Kishishita, Koji Shimatani, and Yuichi Kurita, Development of New Soft Wearable Balance Exercise Device Using Pneumatic Gel Muscles, Applied Sciences, Vol.9, No.15, Article #3108, August 2019
- Yusuke Kishishita, Kazuhiro Takemura, Naoki Yamada, Toshihiro Hara, Atsuhide Kishi, Kazuo Nishikawa, Takahide Nouzawa, Toshio Tsuji, and Yuichi Kurita, Prediction of Perceived Steering Wheel Operation Force by Muscle Activity, IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 11(4):590-598, December 2018
- Kazunori Ogawa, Akito Kadowaki, Koji Shimatani, Masaya Hasegawa, Keita Takahashi, Toshio Tsuji, and Yuichi Kurita, Supporting effects on muscles of a motion assistive wear depending on the fixture position, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 30, No. 5, pp. 729-739, October 2018
- Chetan Thakur, Kazunori Ogawa, Toshio Tsuji, and Yuichi Kurita, Soft Wearable Augmented Walking Suit with Pneumatic Gel Muscles and Stance Phase Detection System to Assist Gait, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol.3, Issue 4, pp.4257-4264, October 2018
- Swagata Das, Cassie Lowell, Yusuke Kishishita, Kazunori Ogawa, Toshio Tsuji, and Yuichi Kurita, ForceHand glove: a wearable force-feedback glove with pneumatic artificial muscles (PAMs), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 3, Issue 3, pp.2416-2423, July 2018
- Kazunori Ogawa, Ayumu Ono, Yoshiyuki Fukuda, Kosuke Tsuneyasu and Yuichi Kurita, Development of a Lightweight Flexible Construction Work Assist Suit Using Pneumatic Rubber Artificial Muscles, 40th International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2018), Honolulu, HI, USA, July 17-21, 2018
- Kosuke Tsuneyasu, Ayumu Ohno, Yoshiyuki Fukuda, Kazunori Ogawa, Toshio Tsuji and Yuichi Kurita, A soft exoskeleton suit to reduce muscle fatigue with pneumatic artificial muscles, Augmented Human 2018, Article No.24, Seoul, Korea, Februrary 7-9, 2018
Digital haptic/force design and their applications to computer interface
In order to make it easier for people to operate computers and robotic systems, an interface is necessary to convey human intentions to the system in a more intuitive manner. It is also important to design a feedback response to show that the system understands the human intention. Therefore, we are developing computer interfaces that focus on human perceptual characteristics, especially haptic and force perception.
- Masahiro Fukada, Taiju Shizuno, and Yuichi Kurita, Evaluation of Human Roughness Perception by using Tactile MFCC, International Conference on SMART MULTIMEDIA, San Diego, CA, USA, December 16-18, 2019
- Taiju Shizuno, Tsuyoshi Arakawa, Toshio Tsuji, and Yuichi Kurita, Prediction of Affective Feeling of Tactile Texture Based on Measurement of Fingertip Deformation, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2018), Miyazaki, Japan, October 7-10, 2018
- Tsuyoshi Arakawa, Akira Nakahara, Kiyotaka Yarimizu, Masato Takahashi, Michiko Ohkura, Toshio Tsuji, and Yuichi Kurita, Investigation of human subjective feelings for surface textures of slipping objects based on the analysis of contact conditions, F. Bello, H. Kajimoto, and Y. Visell (Eds.), Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications , Proceedings of Eurohaptics 2016, pp.131-138, London, UK, July 4-7, 2016
- Akihito Kibita, Toshio Tsuji and Yuichi Kurita Fingertip force estimation based on the deformation of the fingertip, AsiaHaptics2014, A-11, Tsukuba, November 18-20, 2014. H. Kajimoto et al. (eds.), Haptic Interaction, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 277.
- Akihito Kibita, Toshio Tsuji, and Yuichi Kurita, Fingertip force estimation based on the deformation of the fingertip, International Digital Human Modeling Symposium (DHM2014), Paper#5, Tokyo, Japan, May 20-22, 2014
Smart coaching technology for rehabilitation training
The average life expectancy in Japan is said to be about 85 years, and it is estimated that 40% of the population will be elderly by 2030. In order to cope with the decline in physical functions that occurs as people age, it is necessary to continue exercise habits and highly efficient training on one's own after rehabilitation treatment at medical institutions is completed. However, it is not easy to train independently at home. In addition, there are more and more cases where it is difficult to physically go to the hospital due to geographical and physical factors. Therefore, we are developing an AI smart coaching technology that promotes proactive skill improvement based on wearable sensing, actuation, and physical skill understanding with a simple and small number of components, in order to realize a "smart society that enjoys a long and healthy life" using AI technology.
- Swagata Das, Wataru Sakoda, Priyanka Ramasamy, Ramin Tadayon, Antonio Vega Ramirez, and Yuichi Kurita, Feature Selection and Validation of a Machine Learning-Based Lower Limb Risk Assessment Tool: A Feasibility Study, Sensors, 21(19):6459, September 2021
- Takumi Okumura and Yuichi Kurita, Cross-modal effect of presenting visual and force feedbacks that create the illusion of stair climbing, Applied Sciences, Vol.11, No.7, 2987, March 2021
- Wataru Sakoda, Ramin Tadayon, Yusuke Kishishita, Masataka Yamamoto, and Yuichi Kurita, Ski exergame for squat training to change load based on predicted Locomotive risk level, 2020 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, pp.289-294, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, January 12-15, 2020
- Masataka Yamamoto, Yusuke Kishishita, Koji Shimatani, and Yuichi Kurita, Development of New Soft Wearable Balance Exercise Device Using Pneumatic Gel Muscles, Applied Sciences, Vol.9, No.15, Article #3108, August 2019
- Mayuko Minakata, Tsubasa Maruyama, Mitsunori Tada, Haruki Toda, and Yuichi Kurita, Quantitative Assessment of Brushed Bodily Area by Measuring of Brush Motion Using IMUs and Its Accuracy Evaluation, The SICE Annual Conference 2019, pp.723-726, Hiroshima, Japan, September 10-13, 2019
- Haruki Toda, Mitsunori Tada, Tsubasa Maruyama, and Yuichi Kurita, Effect of Contraction Parameters on Swing Support During Walking Using Wireless Pneumatic Artificial Muscle Driver: A Preliminary Study, The SICE Annual Conference 2019, pp.727-732, Hiroshima, Japan, September 10-13, 2019
Past students' thesis
2020 Doctoral Dissertation
- Swagata Das, ForceArm - a wearable pneumatic gel muscle (PGM)-based assistive suit for the upper limb
- Msaru Ito, A Cross-Platform Cockpit System for Tele-Operated Excavators Using Multi-Modal Feedback (Winning Excellent Hiroshima University Student Scholarship
2020 Master thesis
- Kenta Kishishita, Effect of Surface Textures on Fingertip Force Perception and Output
- Masato Hamada, Development of the Balance Ability Evaluation Suit Using Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
- Mayuko Minakata, Safe Walking Route Recommender Based on the Fall Risk Calculation by Using a Digital Human Model and Point Cloud Data
2019 Doctoral Dissertation
Yusuke Kishishita ,
Development of the Perceived Force Prediction Method and Application for Force-Feedback Technology based on Muscle Activity
(Winning Excellent Hiroshima University Student Scholarship -
Thakur Chetan Prakash,
Adaptive Assist Control Based on Impedance Model of Pneumatic Gel Muscle and Its Application in Augmented Walking Suit
(Winning Excellent Hiroshima University Student Scholarship
2019 Master thesis
- Yuya Ishibashi, Gesture Recognition Considering Motion Variation Using Signal Dependent Noise
- Wataru Sakoda, Squat Training System to Change Load Based on Locomotive Risk Level Prediction
- Masahiro Fukada, A Study of the Relationship Between Tactile Feeling and Surface Texture in Free Touch Movement
- Kazuyuki Matsumura, A Study on Effect of Delay in Swinging Operation of a Hydraulic Excavator
2018 Doctoral Dissertation
- Kazunori Ogawa, Development of a Lightweight Flexible Motion Assist Suit Using Pneumatic Artificial Muscles
- Masataka Yamamoto, Effect of resistive moment of ankle foot orthosis on gait
2018 Master thesis
- Ryota Sekizuka, An operation skill evaluation system of a hydraulic excavator using remote controlled excavator with augmented reality
- Taiju Shizuno, Proposal of tactile mel scale and its application to the evaluation system of haptic sensation
- Kosuke Tsuneyasu, Pressure control of pneumatic rubber artificial muscle installation work support suit considering burden feeling
2017 Master thesis
- Takuya Murata, Tremor prediction by the calculation of endpoint muscle activation compliance
- Takahiro Iikura, Measurement and visualization of ground interaction information during city walking
2016 Master thesis
- Takuya Kasahara, Study on the Efficacy of Omnidirectional Images for a Laparoscopic Surgery
- Yusuke Kishishita, Computational Prediction of Subjective Sense of Force in a Steering Wheel Operation based on Muscle Activity Estimation
- Tsuyoshi Arakawa, Influence of the Contact Area Deformation at a Fingertip on Tactile Texture Evaluation
2015 Master thesis
- Takaaki Ishikawa, Development of the Haptic Force Display by Electrical Muscle Stimulation
- Yoshihide Otsuru, Haptic Enhanced Reality Method for Laparoscopic Surgery
2014 Master thesis
- Akihito Kibita, Fingertip Force Estimation based on the deformation of the fingertip
- Kohei Sakurada, Endpoint Compliance Based on Estimation of Muscle Activity by a Musculoskeletal Model
- Jumpei Sato, Development of a Wearable Sensorimotor-Enhancing Suit
2013 Master thesis
- Masahiro Kiyooka, Force Display of a Palpation Motion by Using the Haptic Enhanced Reality Method
- Yamato Sueda, Surgical Grasping Forceps with Sensorimotor Enhancement Capability
2012 Master thesis
- Hiroyuki Ohtsuka, Haptic rendering by augmenting virtual force on the force response of a base object
Visited intern students
- December 2018 Ganesh Roy, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur (IIEST-S), An Analysis of the Characteristics of PGM and Its Application as an Ankle Joint Exoskeleton
- November 2018 Saptak Bhattacherjee, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur (IIEST-S), Invoking Positive Emotion with Force and Vibrotactile Feedback
- November 2017 Ai Higuchi, Kyushu Institute of Technology: Development of a walking assist device using pneumatic artificial muscles
- September 2016 Eichi Kaneko, Nagoya University: Perception characteristics of force feedback from wheel steering of a vehicle
- June-August 2016 Cassie Lowell, Harvard University: Development of a wearable wrist assist device